We’re Changing the Way the World Thinks About EVs
We make your EV an Income Generator
We use the battery in your EV, to generate income by providing services to the grid and your utility. Depending on your utility and the size of battery in your EV, you can earn up to $1,000/month, $12,000/year and $60,000 over 5 years. All while supporting more renewable energy on the grid and lowering your carbon emissions.

A different approach, using a new method of charging, to discharge.
As EV's takeover the automotive market, we view these "batteries on wheels" as a new way for people to make additional income from their vehicles by just plugging in. Our Team's background in EV manufacturing and Renewable Energy has allowed us to see the future where car's can make money while they're parked. Join us to be part of this revolutionary technology.

V2G In Numbers
EVs in US (2023)
2.3 TWh
Projected 2036 BiDi EV Storage Capacity
Bi-Di EVs on the road today (2023)
2036 Projected Market Size